
Edinburgh Botanics testing

Not unlike a surgical procedure and definitely not for the faint hearted… but my wide angle lens is actually working again after a very delicate operation! Ah… but it was touch and go at times during the ‘changing of the diaphragm unit’ procedure where I assisted (brief moments thankfully) resident technical surgeon, OH. I’ll do… Read More Edinburgh Botanics testing


Unlucky or not?

A fitting parking ticket for Friday the thirteenth! Believe it or not this is the actual ticket I put on my car today as I parked outside Edinburgh Botanical Gardens. We did get a ‘wooah’ moment when it popped out of the machine. I am delighted to report no mishaps. We had a very pleasant… Read More Unlucky or not?


A great BIG smile

The sunshine lighting up my shadier back garden does make me smile as I look out today. Who doesn’t smile on a sunny day? However, that is not why I have a great BIG smile on my face as I write this. I am thinking of another day recently when I was smiling all day… Read More A great BIG smile


Botanical birds

Yesterday afternoon I spent an unexpected couple of hours at the Royal Botanical Garden, Edinburgh. I had the opportunity of a lift through and took it. My thoughts were that I could get garden images for this time of year – simple snapshots of this garden. However, I really didn’t expect the shots I did… Read More Botanical birds