
Blue, Great and Coal Tit video

During necessary February 2013 updates to video uploads in this post, I now know that the fat balls I offered below in net feeders are not to be recommended. Net bags are a danger to birds as when predators come and the birds attempt to fly away quickly, it is possible that a bird’s feet/legs can get tangled in the net resulting in the loss of a leg or life 🙁

Blue tit feeding, video 0:18 with background music, try 480p quality.
The blue tit, shown above, seems the least shy of the tits that visit our garden. This year we have had the young from our nest box stick around in our garden, which has been good. I was concerned for the young blue tits when they were very young as they seemed to have little fear for predators – although they did come to the feeders in a group of four or five so it could be that they felt safety in their numbers. They also appear to be the most agile but I suspect this is because we see more of them!

Great tit feeding on sunflower hearts, video 0:21 with background music, try 480p quality.
The great tit, shown above, is a new clip taken on January 2nd 2007 this is a much clearer piece of video than the original – one thing to notice is the great tit is much larger than the blue tit. It also shows the striking black of the great tit. The great tit is quite difficult to catch on film but I have noticed it is beginning to feel more comfortable feeding near or in my garden. I have also noticed an increase in numbers. There are still more blue tits though.

Coal tit followed by Blue tit, video 0:11 with background music, try 480p quality.
The coal tit on this last clip, shown above, has been the hardest to capture on film. This bird is very shy, much smaller and does not hang around at all! The clip of the coal tit is very brief but again a blue tit came into shot so I have left it in to show the size and colour differences. The coal tit is more black, grey and white with a buff couloured breast. It is quite mouse like in charcacter. The longest view I have ever had of it was on my pine tree as it pulled apart a cone to get at the seeds – of course the video camera was nowhere near!! It worked very methodically with this cone tossing the parts it did not want into the air. I particularly enjoy catching a glimpse of this bird – it likes the sun flower hearts though so I’d better keep them coming!

To see more information and pics of the Blue, Great and Coal Tit follow the links below:

The video clips of the Blue Tits and Coal Tit, shown above, were taken in my garden on Boxing Day, Dec 26th 2006. The video clip of the Great Tit has been updated on Jnauary 2nd 2007.

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