This morning as I watched from my window the light came up outside. I became interested to see which birds were the early ones now. During October 2006 my daughter, as part of a school project, was counting and observing the birds before she went to school. I watched and counted with her – it was very interesting as activity at this time is quite different than later on in the day. It was peaceful and we both enjoyed it – a calming start to the day!
Blackbird male bathing, video 0:27 with background music, try 480p quality.
Blackbird female bathing, video 0:27 with background music, try 480p quality.
Blackbirds, shown above male top, female below, are still part of the ‘early bird’ crew. Although they are not seen bathing too early – the film above was caught over lunchtime on a chilly day!
Early bird ‘Count’ – I have since thought about this and feel this would be an interesting one to do now. My daughter has her records from her count in October 2006 and this would make an accurate comparison. I will pick a week in January and breakfast once again in the dark at my window, with pen and paper!
To see more information on the birds mentioned above follow the links below:
The video clips shown above were taken in my garden in November 2006.