I am hoping that all those who visit my garden diary/blog to see photos, videos and read about my garden birds will forgive my absence of posts on birds recently. The reality is that there was a lot of activity going on before I went on holiday and has been since my return but anytime I took my camera out it would rain or the winds would be too strong. Unlike photographing my plants I have to patiently wait for the birds to come up close or into shot where I set up my tripod. However, I am hoping that the long wait was worth it when you see the collection of photographs I captured this afternoon!
Blue Tits appear to have had a bad breeding year here in the UK – based on comments received and discussions on bird forums. We ourselves were fortunate to see it all start in our Camera Nestbox but sadly our pair were unsuccessful this year too. You can see the whole story by selecting the label Camera Nestbox 2007 and scrolling to the bottom to read from the start. However, I am thrilled to be able to report that some Blue Tit pairs were still successful in our area as I have spotted two young Blue Tits visiting my garden in the last few days as you can see in the photos below. You will notice how much duller in colour they are and how much fluffier their feathers look too. I have posted my clearest photos in this post but to see more photos go to shirls birdphotos .
Blue Tit young are not the only young that are visiting my garden at the moment – I will try and get better photos and perhaps some video of some of my other young visitors for another day!
All photos shown above were taken in my garden on 23rd July 2007.
It’s not easy to take pictures with all that rain we’re having at the moment, is it?
Cute little young birdie, still a bit fluffy!
Hi Yolanda,
Yes, it is tricky but I shouldn’t complain when the south of the UK has severe flooding!
It is cute. Lovely to see too when our Nestbox was unsuccessful.
Great shots, as always, shirl! Just superb!
Hello, Wildlife Gardener
Thank-you – I was thrilled with them myself. It is great to see so many young birds in my garden at the moment.