
Bloggers for Positive Global Change Award

As I write this garden diary in the format of a blog it has taken me into the growing community that is blogging. Within this gardening community there are many bloggers who want to make a difference and in some cases they initiate awards to recognise particular areas. The award for ‘Bloggers for Positive Global Change’ is the brain child of Climate Of Our Future to commemorate blogger’s efforts around the world to share their knowledge, thoughts and inspirations in making this a better, healthier, more sustainable world.

On my return from holiday I was thrilled to discover that Wildlife Gardener at Our Little Corner of Paradise had nominated me for this award – thank-you once again. It was interesting to look through her other nominations some of which were new to me.

This award works much like a pyramid so therefore you are unable to nominate someone who has already been nominated – I originally posted this incorrectly and would like to apologise for my mistake. My original nominations included Our Little Corner Of Paradise and Bliss but deservedly so, they have already been nominated!

Finding my nominations has resulted in discovering new sites that I haven’t previously visited which I am sure is what Climate of our Future intended. Therefore I am delighted to present my list of nominations below which, with the exception of May Dreams Gardens, are all completely new to me and I look forward to many return visits. Congratulations to you all – please keep up the good work!

Birds and Climate Change

The Woodlands.co.uk Blog

Mad about Herbs

My Tiny Plot

May Dreams Gardens

Meme Rules:
It’s easy to participate in this meme. At minimum, you can proudly display the BPGC badge (it’s available in two varieties: Transparent GIF and JPEG with white background) on your blog and bask in the glow of our collective good will. If you are sharing the kudos, however, please make sure you pass this list of rules to the blogs you are tagging.

The participation rules are simple:
When you get tagged, write a post with links to up to 5 blogs that you think are trying to change the world in a positive way.In your post, make sure you link back to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme.Leave a comment or message for the bloggers you’re tagging, so they know they’re now part of the meme.Optional : Proudly display the “Bloggers For Positive Global Change” award badge with a link to the post that you write up.

2 thoughts on “Bloggers for Positive Global Change Award

  1. You richly deserve your award, shirl, as your wonderful posts about the birds who visit and live in your garden, and the work you do with your lovely array of flowers show.

    I love siskins. They come to our alder trees in autumn, in particular. They have amazing colours as your superb photos have captured. How exciting to have a young one at your feeder too:)

  2. Thank-you, Wildlife Gardener

    I love the siskins too – what I lovely moment it was yesterday to hear the male call to the juvenile and it appear beside it at the feeder.

    They are lovely to see sitting in the trees too aren’t they?

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