
Wordless Wednesday … white carpet (again)

Can we not step back to Spring again? Our feet are cold.

We need the sunshine for just a little longer. Where are the bees going to go now?

We’ve been patiently waiting to open.

We were fooled into thinking it was our time to flower.

( Big yawn) Have I been dreaming?

I thought I had been gardening at the weekend.
Ah… wait a minute… I took some photos…
I’ll take a look and be back later with an end of the month review.

All photos above were taken in my garden on March 31st 2010.

14 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday … white carpet (again)

  1. Ouch, Shirl…

    I think we'll be lucky enough to miss it although I do not wish to jinx myself quite yet….

    It shouldn't stick around too long though – I hope at least!

  2. It does me good to see the phtos of all that snow, because it is too hot here.I'm sure spring will be upon you in a few hours! Have a happy Easter!

  3. I know you're patiently waiting for signs of spring … but for someone who never sees the snow in real life, your photos are beautiful.

  4. Hi there everyone, I should say I’m not in a huge hurry for Spring. In fact at the weekend I was out gardening and it felt like we were already there. I just want to leave the white stuff of this winter behind 🙂

    Costas, thanks, you too 😀

    Liz, Ouch indeed. If it just snowed and stopped that would be fine. It just keeps on coming albeit light a lot of the time. No… it’s supposed to be okay tomorrow. Hope so… April Fool that I am… it’s my birthday 😮

    lotusleaf, I can imagine I’d feel the same if I were you. Thanks, wishing you Happy Hols too 😀

    Bernie, once again, I completely appreciate you enjoying these pics. This year, these images have been around a record period. Thanks, the pics were taken in a hurry with one hand holding the umbrella. I was pleased with how they turned out 🙂

    Carla, yes I hear you, but we almost had it for a while. I was out proper gardening at the weekend changing a bed by cutting some turf away and I planted a small green roof too. I can’t see properly what I did now 🙂

  5. I really enjoy your blog. We had snow like this last Friday. Today we're supposed to get close to 80 degrees. Sort of makes a rough transition into spring.

  6. The crocuses look kinda cool with the snow. In a snows going to be cone soon sorta way. great pics and post. jim

  7. We had our first snowless March in 17 years. I feel your pain. I have been there many years before. Luckily your crocus etc will bounce back.

  8. Hi Shirl was thinking of you this week as I saw the forecast – I can't believe you've got yet more snow – you poor thing – poor little birds must be rather confused with the seasons this year – lots of nest building going on here – v. wet this morning but we've had some sunshine in between at last… hope to do a posting again shortly…have a Happy Easter – Miranda x

  9. Hi there, Steve, Happy, Jim, Lisa, Kimberly, Renate and Miranda, I’d like to wish you all a good weekend 😀

    Steve, thank-you for taking the time to stop by and say so 😀 It has also brought me to your blog again. I must take time to browse more fully. Your flatworm posting caught my eye as we have a different type that has invaded my garden… the New Zealand flatworm. This one is definitely not a favourite.

    Happy, yes, thank goodness 😀

    Jim, these photos were taken very quickly and when I uploaded I have to say I agree with you 😀

    Lisa, wow… guessing that is why you have been able to get so much gardening work done recently. Yes, this isn’t a first… I know that as I my birthday is on April 1st and I know there has been snow then. Yep, the crocus are sunbathing today… all flat out after the winds 😉

    Kimberly, yep it was but it did have one advantage for photos. Thanks, quickly taken I was pleased with these plant photos. However, I took more care walking around following animal tracks… I discovered hedgehogs were out of hibernation and out in the snow waking around my garden… these photos really are awesome to me 😀

    Renate, just briefly grim. Yes, Spring plants know what to expect on the whole don’t they. All change again now, the snow is gone and after a frosty morning the sun has been shining all day so far 😀

    Miranda, thank-you, the snow was a bit of a downer for everyone. It’s gone again and the sun is shining. I have just seen my first butterfly of the year from my window too so all is forgotten again. Wonder which butterfly it was. Great to hear nest building is going on with you. We’ve yet to see any. Seeing hedgehogs now though 😀 Hope the weather stays nice for you over the weekend 😀

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