Wildlife in Cornwall is the title of Goldfinch Garden’s Channel at YouTube. Paul is the man behind the camera and the fantastic quality and range of bird and wildlife videos you’ll find there. It’s no surprise to me at all that he has 601 subscribers as of today.
Paul says on his page “I would like to share with the world some of the beautiful birds and wildlife that visit my garden and the surrounding area of West Cornwall. I hope you enjoy my videos.” I’d take a good guess that many visitors that find their way to my blog would really enjoy his videos too.
I’ll pull out the cuppa warning here as if you follow the link above and start browsing time will run away with you 🙂
My advice would be, don’t rush it or even better subscribe to his channel and you will always be able to make a return visit and be notified of any new videos he adds.
If you enjoy watching birds in your garden then you’ll enjoy seeing such a wide range of species at Goldfinch Garden’s Channel.
If you are new to watching birds in your garden the following video, Goldfinch Garden (2009 Review), is a great one for ID’s. Paul has thoughtfully listed the birds too (see below) which will help greatly if you are taking part in the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch at the end of January.
There is background music with this video. You may need to adjust your speakers.
Shown in the video above, in order of appearance: Blue Tit, Goldfinch, Bullfinch, Greenfinch and Juvenile Greenfinch, Bullfinch and Linnet, Great Tits, Female Blackbird, Blue Tits, Collared Dove, Goldfinches, Dunnock, Bullfinches (Female and Male), Robin, Long Tail Tits, Greenfinch and Great Tit, Goldfinches, Linnet, Juvenile Bullfinch, Blue Tit, Wrens, Robin, Blackbird, Willow Warbler, Long Tail Tit, BlueTit, Greenfinch, Bullfinches (Male and Juvenile Female), Goldfinch, Robin, Collared Doves, Bullfinch Female, Chaffinch, Blackcap, Goldfinches, Blackcaps and Chaffinch, Robin, Bullfinches Male and 2 Females, Goldfinch, Bullfinches (Male and Female) and Goldfinches.
For my regular visitors outside the UK the video above gives you a much bigger insight into bird species here in the UK than I have given on my blog and being grouped together like this is great. I’ve thought about putting together a similar video… one day 🙂
This introduction posting today is in response to an email I received this morning:
“Just read your blog about your garden visitors and all the snow you’ve had. I came across it as I am trying to identify an unusual visitor to our garden yesterday. At first we thought it was a robin as it had a very red breast, but then it looked much too big for that and the wrong shape, more like a magpie shape with a long tail pointing down, and as it came closer a very red breast, unfortunately when I reached for the camera it flew off so my only hope is that it comes again today.”
I can completely relate to not having a camera at the ready and being curious to know what species has found its way to my garden. I do enjoy both receiving emails like this and the challenge of a garden bird ID so I’m keen to help.
Thinking hat on and considering the description above, my suggestion is going to be a male Bullfinch. If anyone else knows what this bird could be or has any suggestions please do leave a comment here. Thanks, I’m going to reply to this query with a link to this post.
I don’t have any photos or video of the Bullfinch from my own garden. However, I find that video can often be better than a lovely crisp clear photo for an ID so I went video searching… then a post was born 😉
The male Bullfinch is shown in the video above but as we often see birds at a distance it can be their behaviour and movement that helps ID them too. I think Paul’s video below will confirm or rule out the male Bullfinch as the mystery visitor. Paul was very lucky with four visiting this day. I really enjoyed this video too.
Seeing the female of a species also helps with an ID. That’s what definitely clinched it for us when a Blackcap male visited my garden a few years ago. When we saw her brown cap we had our ID. Perhaps a female mystery bird is visiting this garden too.
Below, Paul’s close-up video of a male and female Bullfinch together may be the final clincher either way. The male is on the right. I’ll be thrilled if I’ve got this one right and the mystery is solved especially as I’d love to see a Bullfinch in my garden. I’ll post an update here.
I hope you’ve enjoyed both this mystery hunt and Paul’s videos here and do pop over to his YouTube Channel to see some more. Paul left a message/subscribed to my YouTube Channel in the early days so I am especially delighted to get this opportunity to pass on his link 🙂
I will have to pop over to this utube site if you like it enough to promote it I am sure I will like it. I hope you have had a great start to the New Year.
I have often admired and been somewhat envious of Paul's superb videos. A YouTube channel well worth visiting.
I have this feeling that all Paul's 601 subscribers are lonely, old goldfinches that like to "just watch." Happy New year to you Shirl.
Hi Shirl, thank you for your kind comment. I'm sorry about your loss. I will take your advice and plant something in remembrance.
Wishing you the best for 2010.
Hello everyone thanks for your comments 🙂
Lisa, hope you caught the footage of the robin being hand fed 🙂
John, it is 🙂
Jim, interesting thought. Thanks, and a very Happy New Year to you too! I’m slowly getting round with my good wishes – you beat me to yours 🙂
Katarina, ‘you’re welcome’ seems wrong. I’ll mail you. Thanks for your good wishes 🙂
so good to see such a healthy looking and diverse population of native finches and other birds in your area. It will not be long, the days are getting longer, and it will be breeding season for them too. Chris Gardening Express