A quick lunchtime blog browse today took in A Flurry of Snowdrops. A quick lunchtime garden browse took in the surprise of a flowering Scabious! Really… in January? It was looking pretty healthy too considering the cold temps of late.
A record garden shot for future years (should it survive what winter holds).
My garden snowdrops have noses just peeking through the soil. Anna’s Flurry of Snowdrops are flowering in pots in her greenhouse. What a neat idea for seeing the detail in their markings especially when you are building a collection. You don’t want to misplace these very delicate blooms in garden borders (or disturb them completely, never to be seen again as I’m likely to do).
Damaged cotoneaster berries, a very late flowering cowslip, black berries of Ophiopogon planiscapus ‘Nigrescens’ and greenhouse succulent mix.
A quick lunchtime browse also took in the start of a Greenhouse collection of succulents but it is clear more protection from cold temps is required here. My greenhouse isn’t heated and the door has lost its seal on one side so it’s getting bumped up to the urgent list!
Although pretty chilly, I did find myself considering some pruning today. I snipped a few dead stems to get clear views for photographs and it was great to be (very briefly) gardening again – another first for 2016!
The next gardening job (also needing urgent attention) is to pot up all the bulbs sitting in my potting shed (the ground is too cold for them now I suspect). I’ll enjoy planting them from pots later in the Spring.
Finally .. can I get a show of hands from other garden bloggers who have bulbs still in their packaging waiting to be planted? I wouldn’t think I’m the only one 😉 Also, what have you flowering out of season just now – has anyone else got scabious or cowslips?
This post was published by Shirley for shirls gardenwatch in January 2016.
So you were in my garden, Shirley 🙂 wait until you see my photographs on Wednesday and no I haven't stolen one of yours.
All is covered with snow and ice here. I didn't even get any bulbs purchased this year. That is how far behind I am. I will soon think I am way ahead. Lucky you having a few blooms.
Hello again to you both, thanks for popping by again 🙂
Sue, ha-ha… I must have been sleep walking 😉
Lisa, all change here since Monday lunchtime when these photos were taken. Tonight he garden is covered with snow here too! That’s another first… 1st snow of 2016. Looking forward to seeing busy bird feeders tomorrow morning! Ha-ha… I see your logic. I bought bags of topsoil yesterday for planting my potting shed bulbs so that's the first bit done 😉
I thought I had planted all my bulbs until I found some tulip bulbs lifted from the garden in the summer and put in an empty pot in the green house. I planted them yesterday!
No bulbs in packets-I've had too much to do in the house but if I were in my old house I'm sure I would have joined your club!
I have one flower on a hebe and the iberis look like they will flower any day soon.
I know what you mean about getting out there and working in the yard. We have had some days in the 40's and I'm tempted to prune also. So much work didn't get done…oh well it can wait 'till spring.
Hello again to you all, thanks for popping by and leaving your comments 🙂
Brian, good to hear of someone catching up. As well as bulbs in packets, I too lifted tulip bulbs (crocus, daffodils and Allium too) and have been storing them in pots in my potting shed. They too are still there as well as the newly purchase bags of topsoil. We’ve snow, its cold out there – that’s my latest excuse 😉
Suzie, ah yes, after moving house that work will have taken your time. You are excused on all garden fronts 😉 Great to hear about your blooms – I do love hebes although lost a fair few many years ago due to a hard winter 🙁
Patsi, it is great to reconnect even in the cold isn’t it? Yep, although I had a good gardening 2015 for the most part towards the end of the year tidying slipped so I have much to do too. Enjoy your garden in 2016 🙂
I couldn't help but laugh when you mentioned that you still had bulbs to plant, I still have 2 lots of tulips looking accusingly at me in the kitchen, I must get them into pots soon! My excuse is that I must go and get some more compost to put them in, before that it was non stop rain and the garden was turning into a mud bath!
Thanks for the mention Shirl 🙂 Not only is it good to be able to see the snowdrops at close quarters but it's great way to appreciate their scent too. I wonder how that scabious is looking now. My hands are raised too I confess!