After the first ever Red squirrel garden visits spotted earlier last November, expecting them to return in 2017 was a very faint thought indeed. That really would be greedy to be so very privileged again… but one very alert and no nonsense one has!
For the past three, very different weather wise, lunchtimes I have been so very, very lucky to be at home, sipping homemade soup by my gardenwatch window to see a red squirrel feeding at our garden peanut feeder! What a delightful lunch companion it has been too 🙂
This post was published by Shirley for shirls gardenwatch in November 2017.
6 thoughts on “Not Black, not Grey… it’s Red Friday :-)”
That last photo is fantastic. I love to see nature in action. Fabulous.
I know it won’t happen but wouldn’t be wonderful if these beautiful animals were able to spread all across the country again. I do envy you being able to see them.
Great, seasonal photos. Saw a few red squirrels in Scotland in September this year. I understand they are not as destructive as their grey cousins. Those pesky grey athletes take everything I put out for the birds however hard I try to position the feeders. A friend suspended her feeders from branches with fishing twine.
How lucky are you – just lovely! Have you thought of a squirrel feeder?
How lovely is that. Really pleased you now have regular visits. Great photos as well.
Hello again to you all, thanks for visiting throughout 2017 and leaving your comments on this post 🙂
Lisa, isn’t it just! That’s what I’ve loved about blogging it has made me notice nature in action 🙂
Brian, never say never I’d like to think. I always remember the line actor Jeff Goldblum had in one of the Jurassic Park films along the lines of ‘nature always finds a way’ – I do hope it does for the red squirrel and all the endangered wildlife here in the UK and around the world.
thirdage,Thank-you, I was very lucky to get the opportunity to take these images. Ah, I had a look at your blogs and you probably passed by us at some point on your travels – lovely to see your photos and read of your trip. Yes, I believe they are not as destructive but both species are as determined and fearless when it comes to finding food – I’m thinking the fishing twine might stop the bigger greys but perhaps the reds could negotiate even that.
Sue, I know, I really know how lucky I am! Yes, I had a red squirrel feeder last year which got used but also split with the weather so put a new one up for this year. I never saw the red squirrel use but woodpigeons and the smaller coal and blue tits got inside! They were fun to watch to be honest 🙂
John, how lovely is that, I know! I’d like to report back it continued to be a regular (now January 25th) but after these busy few days the visits stopped. Even in the recent cold/snowy spell they didn’t return. I was very, very lucky to be able to see it at all! Thanks, I love taking photos and look forward to getting ones with better light one day but maybe that’s being greedy 🙂
That last photo is fantastic. I love to see nature in action. Fabulous.
I know it won’t happen but wouldn’t be wonderful if these beautiful animals were able to spread all across the country again. I do envy you being able to see them.
Great, seasonal photos. Saw a few red squirrels in Scotland in September this year. I understand they are not as destructive as their grey cousins. Those pesky grey athletes take everything I put out for the birds however hard I try to position the feeders. A friend suspended her feeders from branches with fishing twine.
How lucky are you – just lovely! Have you thought of a squirrel feeder?
How lovely is that. Really pleased you now have regular visits. Great photos as well.
Hello again to you all, thanks for visiting throughout 2017 and leaving your comments on this post 🙂
Lisa, isn’t it just! That’s what I’ve loved about blogging it has made me notice nature in action 🙂
Brian, never say never I’d like to think. I always remember the line actor Jeff Goldblum had in one of the Jurassic Park films along the lines of ‘nature always finds a way’ – I do hope it does for the red squirrel and all the endangered wildlife here in the UK and around the world.
thirdage,Thank-you, I was very lucky to get the opportunity to take these images. Ah, I had a look at your blogs and you probably passed by us at some point on your travels – lovely to see your photos and read of your trip. Yes, I believe they are not as destructive but both species are as determined and fearless when it comes to finding food – I’m thinking the fishing twine might stop the bigger greys but perhaps the reds could negotiate even that.
Sue, I know, I really know how lucky I am! Yes, I had a red squirrel feeder last year which got used but also split with the weather so put a new one up for this year. I never saw the red squirrel use but woodpigeons and the smaller coal and blue tits got inside! They were fun to watch to be honest 🙂
John, how lovely is that, I know! I’d like to report back it continued to be a regular (now January 25th) but after these busy few days the visits stopped. Even in the recent cold/snowy spell they didn’t return. I was very, very lucky to be able to see it at all! Thanks, I love taking photos and look forward to getting ones with better light one day but maybe that’s being greedy 🙂