Short on time today, but the message for 30 Days Wild is big – plant a tree 🙂 Living or dead they are winners all round for both us and a variety of wildlife from birds to insects. Here’s a little garden moment from this morning to add to the case.

Newly fledged coat tits excitedly explored the garden early this morning. The light wasn’t good, but above are a few record shots, showing some of the places they stayed still enough to capture. They perched on a branch structure feeding station made from posts with branches from a neighbours felled apple tree. They crossed over to the living pine tree and it looked like they were all at a children’s playground! So lovely to hear them from indoors – what a lovely start to the day for me too.
Early lunchtime and there was a straggler coal tit fledgling spotted perched on a previously living garden Rowan tree. This part of the trunk was planted in a garden border, not to grow, as a perch on route to lower feeders with winter in mind. It works too plus a great spot to capture photos of visiting birds.
Wishing you a great weekend, I wonder if you will see fledging birds or be planting a tree? Do share in a comment 🙂
This post was published by Shirley for shirls gardenwatch in June 2018.
It is like trying to catch time in a bottle trying to get a picture of Tits. They are such busy little characters. I have 3 Robin nests in the garden this year. There are several ages of robin fledglings here now. From little tailless fledglings to the nearly grown robins yet with spotted breasts. It is such fun watching them grow up. One pair has built a new nest. Another pair started a new nest right above our patio. They either gave up on building there right above our patio table and chairs or they are waiting for a rain to finish the nest. They like to pack mud into their nest. We haven't had a drop of rain here in June as yet. Ever hopeful for some rain this weekend.
Lovely photos.
Yes, we have lots of fledgeling birds at the moment, robins, bluetits, great tits and blackbirds to name a few, soon there will be lots more coming to the feeders. I won't be planting any more trees as we already have so many in the garden and our little woodland !
Hello everyone, thanks for all your comments they are very much appreciated 🙂
Lisa, I agree completely! Fantastic, I love to hear about your American Robin fledglings especially at all different stages. They are so different from ours. Oh dear on the rain – we’ve been waiting on that here too. I’m quite worried about my wildlife pond level and the plants in it. I’m guessing the wildlife will manage a bit yet. There was a splash here at one point this afternoon but I didn’t see it and it didn’t make much impact. Wishing you rain too 🙂
Sue, thank-you, difficult in low light but they captured the moment 🙂
Pauline, brilliant to hear you have a little woodland! I envy you that 🙂 What a brilliant species range of fledglings – you must have a great spot for wildlife to flourish and feel at home in. Enjoy 🙂