6.35 -7.35pm
Alan Titchmarsh, Joe Swift & Carol Klein
Present an exclusive preview of the
85th RHS Chelsea Flower Show
Perhaps all gardeners in the UK will be aware the BBC has a preview of the Chelsea Flower Show which is this coming week
but, just in case I thought I would post a reminder.
I am looking forward to watching it
and would like to wish all visitors this year a great time.
I wish we could see that preview show here in the US! We miss out on all the good British TV until they bring it over here as a remake.
Hi Carol,
Very sorry you cannot see the TV progs as we can but I have a link for you for tomorrow, Monday, The Royal Preview Day. Try bbc.co.uk/chelsea and you should see gardens and other stuff including blogs by designers.
I enjoyed the programme tonight. One garden caught my eye – the garden that used recycled materials with wire baskets holding stones and paving made of glass. I also like the pyramids in another garden with solar panels set in. I am looking forward to seeing more tomorrow and no doubt I will change my mind when I see them all finished. I visited Chelsea 11 years ago and thoroughly enjoyed the experience!
I already like the plants this year and there was one garden from Austin, USA with lovely prairie style plantings. Some of the Show Gardens and Displays were not finished tonight so work will go on through the night to complete them. How exciting it would be to be part of it all. I so enjoy May!!