Just a quick note for all regular and new readers alike – I will be back to posting very soon. I certainly haven’t got bloggers block! There’s just a lot going on at the moment. I’m sure all bloggers have this from time to time and my family does have to come first so I’m sure you will all understand. I hope you are all enjoying your gardens, birds and wildlife at the moment.
I had begun to sort out my photos from my visit to see the Cambo snowdrops and it looks like they will take two postings! So yep… definitely no shortage of postings to come and I have a few in mind for this month already.
Before the end of the month I plan to take part with this month’s Design Workshop at Gardening Gone Wild as the topic is Wildlife in the Garden. I am looking forward to joining in with that and perhaps you might like to too. If you do just pop over and leave a comment on this posting and from there you will be able to browse other blog posts too. I do think this will be a very popular one! Perhaps I’ll see you there.
Blooms are assured from my garden for this month’s Bloom day on the 15th and once again you can see the blooms from a wide variety of gardens and perhaps even take part. Pop over to May Dreams Garden and Carol’s posting on the 15th to join in the fun. It’s great to see the differences in gardens across the world or even the country you live in.
I feel apologies are necessary to many garden bloggers who I haven’t visited/left comments to in a while. There are so many great blogs out there and I feel have made many friends. Blogs as well as having a wealth of info also have a strong social community which I have found it great to be part of.
Stepping into the blogging world after being a follower of blogs and regular commenter can be both a scary and exciting prospect. I didn’t start out like that but I do know someone who did. ShySongbird has been following and leaving comments on my blog for a little while now. It is great to see regulars in comments as well as new ones. I was thrilled when she mailed me to say she had started a blog of her own ShySongbird’s Twitterings. I wish her all the very best with it.
If you have ever considered this step why don’t you pop over to see how ShySongbird is getting on? I’m sure she won’t mind telling you if you were to ask her any questions. She is loving it! She could tell you how she has found the whole experience too. In her profile she says: I have been interested in nature since a little girl and have always enjoyed watching the birds in my garden and elsewhere. This blog is a record of my observations of birds and nature in general.
The photo above was taken at Cambo on February 28th 2009.
Hola Shirl,
It happens to everyone, there IS a life besides blogging. It doesn’t matter how much we love to visist our blog friends or post, sometimes we need to spend more time in the “real” world.
Enjoy your time, take your time, we’ll wait for you 😉
Hi Shirl,
What a lovely photo, the mix of yellow and white reminds me of the inside of a Cadbury’s Creme Egg (oh dear! how sad is that?)
What is really sad but perfectly understandable is your leaving us for a while, I do hope all goes well for you and that you are able to come back to us soon.
Finally a huge thank you for mentioning me and for your very kind comments, it is so generous of you and much appreciated.
Wishing you all the very best.
Hi Shirl, I am glad you are well and busy. I will be anxiously awaiting to hear all about your busy-ness. I love the winter aconites too. I will pop over to the new blog you mentioned. Happy Spring.
Take your time – we all need this once in a while.
I tend to get hooked on blogging and it takes a while and then get burnt out.
Kind of like waves of blogging!
So it does not hurt to take break, it usually gives me a clear head so that I can be more creative.
No need to explain your absence Shirl 🙂 I am glad that you have managed to see the Cambo snowdrops – I imagine that they were a joy to behold. Thanks for the timely reminder about GB Bloom Day and for the other links which I will have a peek at soon. Take care.
I know how it is – I am a bit overwhelmed myself just now.
Your in my google reader – and when ever you post again it will be a lovely read.
Sometimes there is too much going on to keep up with the blogging and commenting! Looking forward to your return.
I’m in exactly the same situation just now! Enjoy your busy time too.
Hi again everyone, thank-you all for your understanding comments. Once again my daughter has been home ill and we’ve had another emergency dash to A&E 🙂
Mel – Thank-you for such a supportive comment. I really appreciated it when it came through. I couldn’t see anything outside what was going on with my daughter and to get good wishes from you all the way in Peru was wonderful! Thank-you 😀
ShySongbird – LOL… you’ve planted that image in my head now too! I’d like to thank you too for your best wishes and emails. I really do appreciate them. I hoped my absence would be brief but as I had no idea so I thought I’d mention it in a posting. It is my enthusiasm that keeps me posting but my reserves for that have been really low recently. They are coming back up again and you’ll hopefully see a posting later today. I’m trying to catch up with comments and mail first. You are most welcome for the mention! It is great to see someone else take these first steps into the world of blogging and you’re posting on birds, wildlife and plants too so how could I not mention you! Wishing you a fun time with your blog 😀
Lisa – It’s a tricky one when I didn’t give a reason for my expected absence from blogging. I don’t like to add too much personal stuff in my postings although I will say a little here in my replies although I know not everyone comes back to read them. I could say I’ve been fine but the truth is I have been both physically and mentally exhausted as I have been worried about my daughter. Other stuff has been going on too but that’s the way it goes isn’t it. Great to see you visited ShySongbird 😀 Thank-you, and a Happy Spring to you too 😀
RainGardener – Thank-you, as I’ve said above this really hasn’t been a time for blogging. Sorry, I haven’t been over to Blotanical to say thanks for the fav. I appreciate it. I see you’ve commented on my snowdrop posting too. Thanks for that and I hope you enjoy the next one – it’s a cracker for the plants 😀
ForestWander – Oh yes… it is very easy to get hooked on blogging isn’t it. However, as I’ve said above I didn’t burn out in this case it simply wasn’t the time to be blogging. Yes, I also agree about waves of blogging with me plants and the garden are the main topics but during nesting I have a wave of bird topics and then later in the year when we see the hedgehogs I have the same. You are completely correct about having a clear head to be creative and that is one of the reasons I haven’t been near blogging until now. Thanks for your comment 😀
Anna – Thank-you, I just didn’t want visitors to think I had stopped posting and I couldn’t think about my blog. Oh yes… yesterday the Cambo Snowdrop photos were all sorted and uploaded and are now awaiting me writing about them! You may see them late tonight or tomorrow. Ah yes… GBBD is today and may do a joint posting with the snowdrops. Will look at this later. Thank-you, you take care too 😀
Karen – Yes, you just don’t know what’s ahead in the real world do you? Blogging just has to go on the back burner every now and again doesn’t it? I hope you are and yours are all well 🙂 You’ll be hearing from me very soon, just catching up on comments and mail first 😀
Denise – Yes, I agree completely. I have been just too mentally/physically exhausted with my daughter and other stuff to look at my blog. However, I have been able to receive comments and mail on my phone which has been good. Bloggers are very supportive aren’t they? Thank-you, hopefully you’ll hear from me very soon 😀
Hello Shirl,
I will leave you a comment anyways to let you know I stopped in & I enjoyed my visit!:) Beautiful capture! Spring is right around the corner~:) We are all going to be busy as bees soon!
Family does come first…we will all be here anxiously awaiting your next post!
oh-my-goodness, YES, dear Shirl;-) In fact, I just recently put up a M.I.A. post myself! All in all, I ended up going just 12 days without a post…but I felt guilt every day that I didn’t post! Blogger’s Guilt…a new disorder that psychiatrists will soon be diagnosing and treating;-)
Blimey Shirl, that is one mass of Snowdrops, I’ve never seen that many before anywhere. Do you know how many species are there or have they just become hybridised? Very impressive. And I loved that tree photo too.
I have to say though, surely Cambo is in Northumberland. Okay I know we can have more than one Cambo, but the Northumberland one was where Capability Brown went to school, and look where that lead?
Great posting as ever Shirl and well done for supporting new bloggees
Hi there Cat, Jan & Andrew 🙂
Cat – Thank-you, you are very kind. Oh yes… looking at your recent posting Spring has raced around the corner 😉 Thank-you, my daughter has been unwell during her first year at Uni and we have been worried about her. She will be home soon as she has to leave now to repeat her first year in Sept. Fingers crossed she recovers well and enjoys first year second time around 😀
Jan – Oh yes… I noticed your posting too. Oh dear, poor you having guilt yes you may well be right with a new condition there. I just couldn’t face switching the PC on for a little while. I post with enthusiasm or not at all – that’s just the way I do it. Glad to see you back posting again too 😀
Andrew – It was! Yes, Cambo Estate has now been granted National Collection status with over 200 varieties of snowdrops. Yes, that tree was impressive. Oh… Cambo is the name of the Estate just outside Kingsbarns (with beautiful golf course) and a few miles down the coast from St Andrews. So Cambo in Northumbria is on its own 😀 Mm… don’t know what famous people went to school in this area. Capabitlty Brown went to school at Cambo – I’ll remember that one now 😀 Thank-you, yes I always like to support new bloggers when I spot them 😀
I wish I could ‘borrow’ a hedghog from you as I’m inundated with slugs and snails and at this time of the year I’m so busy with Gardening Scotland that they get free rein to munch their way through my garden. Last year I lost four sowings of lettuce before the Show opened.
Anyway, I remember you saying that you thought you might like to enter a pallet garden at this year’s Show and I meant to send you on the contact details.
Pallet Gardens are organised by the Scottish Gardeners Forum and you can find all the details at scottishgardenersforum.org.uk/projects.htm.
Meanwhile if you visit gardeningscotland.com I’m busy blogging on events as they unfold.