17 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday… Naturalistic Potager

  1. Absolutely beautiful Shirl, the photos are well worth enlarging. All that wonderful colour really gladdens the heart. I noticed the sky was a little grey in the photos but being in that lovely garden must have felt very, very 'sunny'.

  2. This is so beautiful – really inspiring Shirl. Thanks for posting these images

    Just off to redesign the whole garden

  3. I always like planting veggies with flowers but wow … this is lovely and edible … maybe this could fool the deer and rabbits! great photos too.

  4. Hi there MidwestMom, Patsi, John, Jan, Dawn, Lisa and Juliet 🙂

    MidwestMom – oh yes… it so was and quite a surprise too. I had no idea there was a potager in this garden. I’ve more to come from this garden. Have a great weekend 😀

    Patsi – The best!! It was the textures and depth of colour of the planting that was the biggest inspiration here. Yes, with space and imagination and we could create such richness and beauty. Have a great weekend 😀

    John – It was a lovely walk and with every turn my head turned with another wonderful textural planting scheme. Enjoy your weekend walks with Bobby. Have a great weekend 😀

    Jan – Thank-you, the garden really was stunning. The colours were so inspiring especially the deep reds… something I’ve been adding to my garden for the last year or so. This garden is quite close to the sea so perhaps a slight harr was there. This was a late visit, I was walking in this part of the garden around 4:30pm. Unfortunately I ended up having to watch the time in the end as it closed at 5pm! Oh yes… it did feel sunny and it was quite warm too. Wishing you a great weekend 😀

    Dawn – They are aren’t they. It was a wonderful place for a visit and I intend going back again later this year. I agree completely it was the colours and textures that really gave this part of the garden the wow factor! Wishing you a great weekend 😀

    Lisa – Yes, me too and sometime soon too! Wishing you a great weekend 😀

    Juliet – It really was and such a surprise to me. On this visit I was looking to see the prairie garden and didn’t expect that a potager would be my fav part! Wishing you a great weekend 😀

  5. Hi there Liz, Karen, Celia, Town Mouse, Re, Carol and Helen:-)

    Liz – LOL… join the queue! I came away considering looking for an allotment! Wishing you a great weekend 😀

    Karen – You are most welcome! It really was incredibly inspirational standing on the paths and looking all around. With no people present it is difficult to see the height of the plantings. Oops… sorry about that 😉 Wishing you a great weekend 😀

    Celia I know, I know!!! Near St Andrews. Head gardener Elliot Forsyth. Lady Erskine’s garden. How about this… they offer a year’s placement to newly graduated horticultural students! Wishing you a great weekend 😀

    Town Mouse – Thanks, it was tricky as you say. I also reduce the file size for upload. I knew the camera would struggle on focus especially as I had one eye on the time! You are most welcome. Wishing you a great weekend 😀

    Re – You bet!!

    Carol – Sounds fun, I was familiar with formal potagers but this style and scale here was incredible. LOL… now there’s a thought! Wishing you a great weekend 😀

    Helen – This garden really has so much to offer… you can even stay on the estate (four poster bed etc). Soon I’ll get time to write this posting but knew I couldn’t include all my photos in one go so this posting will get linked then. Wishing you a great weekend 😀

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