I see your blue skies after the snowfall,
I feel the chill before your snow.
I see garden birds increase in numbers,
getting ready for the show?
I see your snow crystals melting in sunshine,
I feel the chill of a frosty morning.
I see Erysimum ‘Bowles’s Mauve’ still in flower,
I listen to your weather warnings!
I see your hellebore flower buds ready to burst,
I feel the excitement of seeing your blooms.
I see bird feeders being emptied quickly,
I remember the fun birdcount that looms.
I see your Big Garden Birdwatch for the RSPB
I feel the excitement for visitors new.
I see people across the UK counting birds for an hour,
Oh January… when I think of you 🙂
RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch Sat 26 and Sunday 27 January 2013
This post was completely influenced by a few bloggers I know and also my intention of promoting the RSPB Birdwatch. Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day is the 15th of the month (Happy Bloom Day to everyone posting what is in flower in the garden) and is organised by Carol at May Dreams Gardens – my contribution is Erysimum. Another new meme also set on the 15th of the month, is organised by Katarina at Roses and Stuff and the idea here is to ‘post a photograph that represents the current month to you’ and I discovered this one by visiting Patient Gardener, Helen who followed her photo with what January meant to her. Thanks Helen – I liked that idea although it’s gone midnight so I haven’t quite made it on the 15th – perhaps I should have given the poem attempt a miss! Good luck with your meme, Katarina 🙂
This post was published by Shirley for shirls gardenwatch in January 2013.
I love your poem. Of course your photos are fabulous.
Don't worry the birds will soon be in hiding in case we count them!
Loved the poem; cheered me up on a cold and dismal day.
I usually do the bird watch but they seem to go AWOL that weekend. Perhaps they prefer the neighbours' offerings to my Poundland stuff.
Lovely poem! Out of all the months, for me, January is the time for big thinking in so far as the garden goes.
Just recently joined the RSPB and am looking forward to my first Count!
Filling the feeders is becoming morel like painting the Forth Bridge 🙂
Hi – glad you liked my photo. I thought I would give GBBD a miss this year having done it for over four years.
Lovely poem, I'll remind my MIL about the birdwatch, I know she likes to join in. Christina
Hi- enjoyed the poem and pics. I've just started garden blogging myself, so if you're interested please take a look at audaxdesign.co.uk
Hello everyone, thanks for all your comments 🙂
Lisa, Thanks, I had fun and always enjoy capturing bird activity from my window 😀
Sue, wont’ they just… won’t they just!!
L, Aw… that’s good to hear. Yep… it’s the same story here. I’ve a theory that people throwing bread out to do a count could be the problem – I’ve noticed Blackbirds bypassing the seed for bread :-0 Enjoy your count when it comes 🙂
Angie, thanks I had plenty of ideas but putting the poem together was another matter. Ah… I’m sure the RSPB will be delighted to hear they’ve a new member and count participant! Lol… over on the other side of the bridge it’s the same story 😉
Helen, I did, I love seeing the bare trees too and as a young girl sat in fields drawing them many times. I dip in and out of all the memes and its always great to get new ideas. I didn’t add my link to Katarina’s as a montage was cheating but maybe next month 🙂
Christina, thanks. Great… I’ll keep reminding everyone on the count too. I hope your MIL sees many visitors and that snow isn’t too disruptive in her area.
Nigel, thanks, will do 🙂