Tomorrow sees the start of the UK Wildlife Trust’s month-long nature challenge and I absolutely recommend it! I had great fun back in June 2016 when I took part for the first time. Wedding prep kept me preoccupied in 2017 but 2018 is now free to join in again and a great opportunity to re-connect with blogging too 🙂
On the back of the Chelsea Flower Show, I’m going to take a different spin on this year’s challenge. Long before bird feeders went up in the garden it was my love of plants that shaped my garden. Since blogging and encouraging wildlife to the garden, my plant selections have changed and with this brought a new wave of wildlife to appreciate.
For #30 Days Wild 2018, I’d like to share nature from my small garden through plants as much as possible – not exactly random acts of wildness but I suspect other ideas will pop up when I begin! I’d like to keep it simple (more photo based) to show that plants and small changes really can make a difference to nature. That’s the outline plan anyway with late evening postings likely – like this one. Tonight’s 9pm camera wander included the last of the rhododendron flowers shown above.

”What is a Random Act of Wildness?
A Random Act of Wildness is any thing that you can do in an average working day to bring a little nature into your life. They can take a few seconds, a few minutes, or if you lose yourself completely, a few hours! We’ve got 101 ideas below (follow the link) – but you can make up your own, too!
Don’t forget to share your month with us using #30DaysWild “
This post was published by Shirley for shirls gardenwatch in May 2018.
Lots of ideas, some I’ve had a go at in the past and some rather scary. Some I do a;l the time like rescuing spiders;
Hello again Sue, there are. Funnily enough it was a large moth that got indoors last night (after I posted this) that I had to rescue. It was a bit of a challenge!
It is always a challenge to get spiders, bees, moths etc out of the house in one piece. It will be interesting to see what all you have in your garden.