It was a wild and windy day today with light showers – just the kind of day that I have found brings the birds out in their numbers. You would probably expect warm sunny days would do that but yesterday the Chaffinches were perched on the tree that overlooks my garden for ages appearing to enjoy the sunshine –in no particular hurry to get to the feeders.
Chaffinches & House sparrows, video 0:23 with background music, try 480p quality.
Red Noses, for Comic Relief, are worn by many people today so I thought I would add one to my garden. It was unplanned so I had to improvise a little using a lovely fresh red tomato, as you can see above, pierced into a pruned branch of my Acer tree. It had the desired effect though as I thought of the many people that haven’t got a lovely fresh tomato! Comic Relief give 60% of the money raised to people in poverty in Africa and 40% to disadvantaged people and communities here in the UK.
On the ground, below my Red Nose Tree, were the birds having their own fight for survival not perturbed in the least by the addition of my Red Nose tribute. I have definitely noticed more frantic feeding by the birds when the weather is more extreme. In the film above you can see the birds that appear to enjoy feeding on the ground in days like this – Chaffinches, Greenfinches and House Sparrows. Weather forecasts are suggesting that there is snow expected with us through Sunday and Monday so I’ll expect the feeders will need refilling a few times then!
For more information on Comic Relief go to
The video, shown above, was taken in my garden on March 16th 2007 especially for Comic Relief.
We Love Your Red Nose tree. Hope the birds do as well.