In the news earlier this week there had been an appeal by the Bumblebee Conservation Trust which has teamed up with the BTO for Garden Beewatch 2007. The survey is looking to record sightings of bees in the UK and photographs can be sent in via email. It appears that the numbers of bees in the UK are on the decline.
Whilst weeding this morning I spotted a bumblebee on a flowering polygala – a favourite with the bees. I went in for my camera to record my sighting but on my return the bee had gone! However, as I walked back with my camera I spotted a Song Thrush running along the ground in front of me. I stood still and started snapping. They captured very well the brief stops it made. It is not so shy now!
After running around one side of where I stood the Song Thrush headed to the other and then around the back of my watering can which had overflowed earlier. I expected it to continue on and then under my domed Acer tree – to the small ground tray with sunflower hearts which it so enjoys. Instead, it stopped off at my watering can – I wondered what it was about to do.
It was simple enough -it took a drink from the spilled water and was not bothered by me at all as I stood and watched it taking photographs. It did then run under the Acer to the sunflower hearts.
To see more photos of its run around my garden look here .
Bees are on the decline in the Netherlands too, I’m sorry to say. In the USA too, I hear from my bloggger friends. Not good!
Lovely pics of that song thrush, thanks Shirl, I enjoyed them!
Hi Yolanda,
That is a concern to hear other countries are seeing the decline of the bee too. Gardens and parks with plants that attract bees help the ones we do have – so we are all helping there.
I have a purple flower Nepata (Catmint) in my front garden and the bees love it. Does your white flowereing one attract them too?
I was thrilled to get the song thrush photos – glad you enjoyed them.