Yesterday I wasn’t exactly window shopping. I called into a garden centre on my way home and spotted something very interesting to add to my garden – a Solar Insect Theatre. It is a box not unlike the size of a Nestbox with a window to see the insects inside.
The small solar panel on the top will power the light inside. How fascinating it will be to see what enters it. It claims to attract Moths, Butterflies and Lacewings. It comes with a twig but you can add your own plant material, branches or attractant. I bought some Butterfly attractant.
My last posts perhaps suggest that all the focus in my garden is on birds. Agreed, it is a busy time with nesting but the plants too are at an interesting stage. I have also noticed lots of insects now in the garden with the odd bee and butterfly too. The Insect Theatre, shown above, also has solitary bee holes.
Greek Oregano, Garlic, Silver Queen Thyme and Alpine Strawberries were added to my shopping basket. Although I do have a good home for them – my new scree herb garden that I have been working on this week. A nice planting job for tomorrow! I will post photos of the finished job.
Teasel and Angelica were my final two purchases. I couldn’t resist trying to grow these plants. The teasel will be planted near my bird feeders – I believe the goldfinches like them so it will be interesting to see them feed from it. I expect it will self seed freely so I will have to regularly weed below it. I will plant the Angelica in an area of partial sun beside wild flowers and golden hop.