At first glance this could appear like another ‘almost’ Wordless Wednesday posting for Bloom Day. I’ll say no more. Okay, you’ve twisted my arm…
To see more postings for Bloom Day or to add yours to the list just pop over to May Dreams Gardens and browse the comments on Carol’s post. I’ll be honest and say now I’m a bit nervous about the comments I may receive here! Oh well… as always, I like to have a bit of fun with Bloom Day.
The videos shown above were taken in my garden on September 15th 2008. If you have been unable to play them please let me know – I know these files are larger than usual.
Shirl, I loved your videos. I don’t know why you’d be nervous about comments. I really enjoyed listening to you describe all the blooms. What a beautifu, inspiring garden you have in Scotland!
Carol, May Dreams Gardens
Thank-you Carol, I feel a bit better about this now 😀
These are my first voice overs and they were a lot trickier to do than I imagained. I don’t think I have a new career here!! It was fun though 😀
See you next month!
Hi Shirl,
Fantastic videos and nice voice-over! Even at this late stage of the summer your garden is still very colourful and neat. I wish I could say the same about ours.
Well done and best wishes,
Hi again Joe 🙂
Thank-you! I really did wonder how the voice over would go down.
Ah.. neatness! Well with so much in the way of ground cover plants I don’t really do a lot of weeding during the summer months as the weeds don’t get too much light. Saying that, I do need to go out and do some now – take way some of the dandelions too! I am sure the guinea pigs will appreciate them picked fresh 😀
Hi Shirl, our internet service blinked as I was trying to send my last comment. Will try again.
Your bloom day videos are fantastic. Your voice overs add so much to the visuals too, well done. You are the most techno advanced blogger I know, well done. Your garden is so lush and full with well designed beds and well tended plants. I would love to visit someday.
Frances at Fairegarden
new url
Shirl, your videos were wonderful! You did a lovely job with the voice-overs in that beautiful Scottish lilt. 🙂 Your gardens look amazing…the rain must agree with them. Lovely!
Hi there Shirl!
It’s a pity they have already chosen a new head presenter for GW otherwise they should have picked you. 😉 Great voice over! And it was so nice to hear your voice again!!!!
Wish I was just as handy with my camera and pc as you are.
What fun that you had some plants flowering out of season like the Pieris and the Rhodo. And it was good to see that catmint is not only popular with cats.
BTW loved your choice of music too, it went very well with all the lovely images of your garden.
… I enjoyed it very much Shirl – I felt like I was getting a fabulous tour of your garden and your plants, just like we were walking around together.
Wonderful videos, more please with your lovely voice over
I love to hear the burr of your R’s! You are a techie! Great job on the video.
Hello again Frances, Nancy, Yolanda, Karen & Layanee 🙂
Frances – Thanks so much for trying again and leaving such a generous comment! What can I say – you would have a very warm welcome to my garden! BTW I would love to see your garden one day too 😀
Nancy – Thank-you! Mm… my lilt – I was hoping it wouldn’t be too strong. Yep… my foliage plants definitely thrive in the rain 😀
Yolanda – LOL and some!! I think I am going to like Toby – have you seen him? The voice over was a challenge to get started! Do I really sound like that to you? I do love the creative side of blogging ;-D Mm… the out of season plants were odd – the single broom flower, hellebores and choysia too. Yes, my catmint sometimes gets flattened by cats! Ah… the music is part of my editing software and my choices are limited but I do have fun choosing – glad you enjoyed them too 😀
Karen – I’m glad you enjoyed my videos. That is exactly what I hoped I would do but I was worried it may have been seen as a bit corny. My plan was to use this on my wildlife videos in the future. Bloom day was a much bigger challenge for my first attempts. I might be brave enough to try this again now 😀
Layanee – Lol, yes I was aware that they came over quite strong 😉 Techie? I try my best to make my posts unpredictable and certainly have fun doing so. Thank-you, I’m glad you enjoyed my videos 😀
What a fun way to display your blooms for GBBD Shirl. 🙂 I loved hearing your voice telling us the names of each bloom & what kinds of insects they attract. 🙂 You have alot still blooming in September & it seems to be doing well considering all that rain.
Hi there Racquel 🙂
Thanks – I am so glad! Mm… the narration did worry me a little so it is great to hear that you enjoyed it! Yes, Scottish gardens do adapt to rain 😉
I can't believe how many things you have that are blooming out of season! I like these videos with the narration. It's almost like being in your garden and walking it with you. I don't know why, but I really like the common name Teazel. (It's fun to say, I guess.) The garden looks lush & loves the damp that you've had. I bet that bee on the catmint got tired of waiting for a sunny day.
What a joy it was to see all your blooming flowers in your garden and to hear your warm and pleasant voice explaining the plants. Great idea to do so!
What wonderful videos! I love the one with the birdbath!
Really enjoyable – you have a lovely garden.
Hi Shirl, what a wonderful, original GBBD post! I thoroughly enjoyed the guided tour of your gardens. You have so many beautiful things blooming. Your plant combinations are inspiring!
Shirl, what an overachiever you are! I can’t even imagine having the knowledge to put together these video montages… much less pack them full of blooms and info like you do. Great job. 🙂
What a quality blog. I totally enjoyed your videos and the ariose ‘Scottish’ accent. My compliments! And looking forward to more lovely treats @ your extraordinary garden blog. Cheers!
Hi again MMD, Barbara, Bobbi, HappyMouffetard, Garden girl, Kim and Hello Violet 🙂
MMD – Yes, that is a weird one. Thanks, I’m glad you enjoyed the garden videos. Yes, I love the name teasel too – common names are wonderful aren’t they? Yes, the rain and partial shade does suit many of my plants especially the ferns and hostas – I have a slug resistant hosta too. I enjoyed your post. Yep… I agree that bee just couldn’t wait 😀
Barbara – Thank-you, I’m glad you enjoyed it. It was fun to do – although tricky at times too 😀
Bobbi – Thank-you, I liked the birdbath too. I love watching the circles produced by gentle raindrops 😀
HappyMouffetard – Thank-you! Thanks too for the fav on Blotanical 😀
Garden girl – Thank-you! It was great fun doing the tour – I’m glad you enjoyed it. There are nice blooms at the moment in all the GBBD gardens. Thanks again, my plant combinations are always changing but that is what I love about gardening – don’t you 😀
Kim – Lol, I don’t know about that but I do have fun with the videos and each time I make a change like this one I get more ideas for the next 😉 Thank-you 😀
Violet – Oh… thank-you for such a generous comment!! Soon I will be back to more regular postings – I look forward to having your company 😀