
Joining the party

Snow scenes are decorating many blogs at the moment. Here in the UK, schools have closed and transportation has been disrupted. My daughter had been convincing herself that I would receive ‘the text’ from the school this morning saying that her school was on the list. She had plans for an igloo. Alas but no…… Read More Joining the party



A curious post title for some visitors perhaps but I am guessing others will know exactly who (not what) I am talking about! I won’t keep you guessing for this one though. Nope… my camera was sitting in the right place for a second consecutive day. Gosh… my pond is a popular drinking hole too.… Read More Ball-and-stick


Show and tell

Oh dear… I can’t show any images from my garden or tell any stories from today of the visitors I believe I saw at my bird feeders last night! I watched first thing as light came up and set my videos camera on a feeder with fatcakes as darkness fell but these delightful visitors were… Read More Show and tell


Heads down…

The long-tailed tits that have been visiting my garden over the last few days have distracted my attention somewhat. I have replaced the fatcake in the guardian in the hope that they will continue to come for a few more visits. Afterwards I couldn’t resist staying in the garden with my camera to see if… Read More Heads down…