
Vane Farm in April

Before we gallop out of May and into Summer let’s step back into April. Wood Anemones, Geese, Highland Cattle and Marshlands were all seen at an RSPB Reserve in my local patch of Scotland. Previously, I have posted on another local Reserve, Scottish Wildlife Trust’s Loch of the Lowes, quite a few times. Vane Farm… Read More Vane Farm in April


Pensthorpe birds

Do you look out for new plants at garden centres, new bird sightings in the garden or on the beach or how about trying to spot camouflaged wildlife out in the wild? When I began this blog I guess I could honestly only answer ‘Yes’ to the plants. I knew some birds visited my garden… Read More Pensthorpe birds


Pine Marten Evening

Yep… the title tells all! Tea/coffee, biscuits, cheese and peanuts were on offer. You can guess who the peanuts were for. Despite being offered a variety of other foods they are the favourite of the Pine Martens visiting this Scottish Wildlife Trust Reserve.The Visitor Centre at Loch of the Lowes is usually closed at this… Read More Pine Marten Evening