
Squirrel feeder nearly found

Tomorrow may be the day when a new garden visitor finds a feeder put up especially for it! Containing a good mix of nuts, the red squirrel will need to learn how to use the hinged roof to get at the food. This is going to be fun to watch, take photos of and capture video footage. It’s also a bit of gardenwatching I never expected to be doing, as my sidebar has stated…

“My small garden is in Perthshire, Scotland. I don’t have salmon in my pond, red deer in my borders, ospreys nesting in my acers or red squirrels at my peanut feeders! Nor do I have the world’s highest hedge, paths exciting enough for the serious cyclist and enough of a lawn for golf!….”

WHERE IN THE WORLD AM I? Sidebar, shirls gardenwatch

Apologies to regular blog visitors, more red squirrel photos 🙂

This red squirrel doesn’t stay still long, I love when it looks straight at me 🙂

Getting photos as it jumps from the bird table is a challenge (peanut in mouth).

A lucky capture as it launched in my direction with another peanut to cache.
This is my favourite of today’s ‘one hour by the window with a camera’ 🙂

The red squirrel has found the nuts placed on the birdbath stand!
Just behind it, higher on a post, is the squirrel feeder… getting warm 😉

Tomorrow, might also be the day for a new venture in gardenwatching! I’m waiting on a delivery 🙂

Enjoy your Sunday garden and wildlife watching in your part of the world. Please share what you are seeing as November draws to a close. It’s definitely an interesting time of the year in wildlife terms and our gardens really can be a great place to see it that’s for sure 🙂

This post was published by Shirley for shirls gardenwatch in November 2016.

5 thoughts on “Squirrel feeder nearly found

  1. Another great set of captures Shirley. Keep them coming. Squirrels make such charming photos and you never know what they are going to get up to next.

  2. Wonderful photos Shirley. It shows your photographic talent. This little squirrel looks like quite the rascal with the furry ears and bold eyes looking at you.

  3. No need at all too apologise Shirley, I'm so glad to see your wonderful photos. They are such beautiful creatures, I'm sure we all wish we had them in our gardens.
    It is frustrating to hear that they are now in our old garden which we left 26 yrs ago in the NW of England, there was no sign of them when we lived there, they have spread from the pine woods on the Lancashire coast.
    I'm sure they'll soon learn to use the special feeder and will keep you occupied for hours!

  4. Hello again to you all, thanks for visiting and leaving your comments 🙂

    John, I’m delighted you’re enjoying them. I’m loving getting the opportunity to take and share them 🙂

    Sue, thanks, no success there yet, but early days 🙂

    Lisa, I think it’s more a case of patience and luck rather than talent but thank-you 🙂 I love their furry ears too!

    Pauline, thank-you, I wish for them appear in more gardens too. Oh dear, what bad luck for you in your old house although great news for red squirrel numbers. When I got home at lunchtime today I put a small bamboo cane in the special feeder to tilt it open for the squirrel to see in. No sign of it when I was at home though. I did however, see (and grab photos) a Sparrowhawk. The garden was quiet, I wonder if the red squirrel knows to keep away then, I suspect the Sparrowhawk would catch a red squirrel if it could 🙁

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