Birds, Hedgehog, Visits, Wildlife

Lowes at home

Well almost, a good near 2nd. The loch view above, seen from one of the visitor hides at SWT Loch of the Lowes, is maybe missing from the garden but recent activity seen from my gardenwatch window, pretty well matched what I’d see from the observation window in the visitor centre. Garden focus had been… Read More Lowes at home


It was a Tawny!

What fun it was yesterday to have so many responses to my request for help in identifying a mystery dusk caller in my garden… I’d like to thank everyone from the comments on my posting, the replies on my Birdforum thread and all the emails I received especially from people new to my blog. It… Read More It was a Tawny!


Twenty-one +

No, not my age but my count from the garden for “the number of different species seen or heard in the wild, in Britain, between 00.00 on 25th December (i.e. midnight on Christmas Eve) and 24.00 on 1st January (i.e midnight at the end of New Year’s Day). Escapes, cagebirds, birds in a zoo, the… Read More Twenty-one +



Today is Sunday and it has been a bright morning. I awoke early and had breakfast at my window overlooking the area of my garden where the bird feeders are. It was very peaceful and although it was only 7:45am the light was bright even then. Guess who joined me for breakfast? Wren at pond,… Read More Caught