Birds, Hedgehog, Visits, Wildlife

Lowes at home

Well almost, a good near 2nd. The loch view above, seen from one of the visitor hides at SWT Loch of the Lowes, is maybe missing from the garden but recent activity seen from my gardenwatch window, pretty well matched what I’d see from the observation window in the visitor centre. Garden focus had been… Read More Lowes at home

GBBD, Plants

Pardon Me, late blooms

That would be Hemerocallis ‘Pardon Me’ the day lily with its magenta-red flowers and yellow centres that was flowering on the 15th of August, perfectly in time for Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day. It was this blogger that made it late to the party celebrated by bloggers around the world sharing plants in bloom in the… Read More Pardon Me, late blooms