Wordless Wednesday: Old pheasant’s eye
This post was published by Shirley for shirls gardenwatch in April 2016.
This post was published by Shirley for shirls gardenwatch in April 2016.
Liriope muscari ‘Royal Purple’ This post was published by Shirley for shirls gardenwatch in September 2015.
The Perseids have begun and peak on the night of the 12/13 August. Here's how to see them when #ISS spotting tonight http://t.co/yaVOy1ey8T — VirtualAstro (@VirtualAstro) August 5, 2015 This post was published by Shirley for shirls gardenwatch in August 2015.
Hairy shield bug, surprise find weeding in Mum’s Rockery, May 2014 (iPhone). Copyright: Original post published on https://www.shirlsgardenwatch.co.uk/ by blog author Shirley, December 3rd 2014.
Snapping off last spent rhododendron flower trusses of 2014 Photo snapping glorious sight of first wisteria flowers for 2014 Images captured June 10th. This post was published by Shirley for shirls gardenwatch in June 2014.
This post was published by Shirley for shirls gardenwatch in February 2014.
Can we not step back to Spring again? Our feet are cold. We need the sunshine for just a little longer. Where are the bees going to go now? We’ve been patiently waiting to open. We were fooled into thinking it was our time to flower. ( Big yawn) Have I been dreaming? I thought… Read More Wordless Wednesday … white carpet (again)
Can you see them? I’m surprised I did today. I can’t wait now. A first for my garden. Need any clues? These flowers took my breath away earlier in the year. The photo above was taken in my garden on December 16th 2009, in the evening, with outside lights and flash. Perhaps you might like… Read More Wordless… a keen eye
Perhaps Garden, Birding and Wildlife Bloggers could help pass these poster images around? Perhaps someone will recognise Madeleine McCann now age 6. http://www.findmadeleine.com/
Naturalistic Potager, Cambo, Scotland All photos above were taken on September 11th 2009. Click on photos to enlarge. Full garden visit to follow. See many, many more wordless postings for today.