Birds, Plants

Phew! Flying past…

…to the middle of the month with ‘Boofle’ in birthday cake form, sunny mornings, blue skies, first flowers opening, a snow covered garden, flattened flowers, grey skies, heavy rain, an invasion of Finches, recovering flowers, new shoots through the ground, a lengthy visit from Mr S. and short ones by Jack Frost . The cameras… Read More Phew! Flying past…

Birds, Hedgehog, Wildlife

Hear and there

Let’s hear it for birds and wildlife visiting our jungle gardens at this time of year! One bird that has being catching my eye has been a lonesome Collared dove… but not the one above which I’m showing for comparison. Here’s the one below that I’ve been watching. It has been sitting around the garden… Read More Hear and there

Birds, GBBD, Hedgehog, Plants

Blooms and babies

How about a little less chat and some action instead for this month’s blooms? Or… do you fancy seeing my baby photos first? Decisions, decisions… so many garden stories…. have you time for a cuppa? Go on… this one’s an easy read. Okay… are you sitting comfortably? Let’s begin with one of the volunteers that… Read More Blooms and babies

Birds, Hedgehog

Spring watching special

Nesting birds, fledglings, hedgehogs, bees, butterflies and so much more… what a great time to watch the garden! At a guess I’d say if you’re reading my blog here in the UK, like me, you are also watching the BBC Springwatch programme at the moment. I hope you’re enjoying it too. The scruffy blue tit… Read More Spring watching special